It's being asked on MSE, but it would seem to make more sense if someone asked here :idea: ... Does this offer about "Rpoints Limited" include the white label sites that were run by RPoints? If I recall Moi, You like me as well as others were unable to redeem from Shopping Tactics weeks before Susp...
- Perhaps the liquidators could provide a list of all white labels with contact details? Thanks for that Bruce as their were postings on R-Points forum after R-Points suspended Cashback payments where some of us did ask whom we should contact re White Label Sites most notably re "Shopping Tactics",...
You should have received an email from the liquidators a couple of months ago. I would urge you to contact them (not sure if it's too late to lodge a claim but worth a try) as there is likely to be a distribution of some kind to creditors. Details can be found at
(unmatched by anyone else who was involved and who, IMO, bear far greater responsibility) You could always knock on the door of those who were the directors of Rpoints between 2007 and Jul 2010, which is when the HMRC debts built up :mad: Hi Richard : :thumbup: I have always had a lot of regard for...
Is there an estimate of what these shares may be worth, e.g. net asset value per share? Presumably not very much as 100% of cashback is paid to members? I have suggested that a 50% site gets run in parallel to the 100% site as I believe that many members would also do certain offers at 100% and 50%...