When you receive an unexpected phone call about a financial matter it might be an attempted scam. If you're at all unsure then
stop and
call 159. This will securely and safely connect you to your bank.
159 plays a vital role in keeping people safe and it has not stood still. More than 800,000 calls have been made to the number since it’s inception.
Bank of Scotland, Barclays, Co-operative Bank, Chase, First Direct, Halifax, HSBC, Lloyds Bank, Metro Bank, Modulr Finance, Monzo, Nationwide Building Society, NatWest, Revolut, Royal Bank of Scotland, Santander, Starling, Tide, TSB and Ulster Bank
Stop Scams UK is an industry-led collaboration of responsible businesses from across the banking, telecoms and technology sectors who have come together to help stop scams at source. We exist to enable and facilitate the development of technical solutions that will help prevent the harm and loss caused by scams.
Almost all scams will touch on two or more of the banking, technology and telecoms sectors. The work of Stop Scams UK in bringing businesses from across these three key sectors together is crucial in creating the holistic, systemic solutions necessary to keep all of us safe.