Martha's Rule

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Martha's Rule

Post by macliam » Wed Feb 21 2024 8:37am

Today we hear that "Martha's Rule" will be introduced into NHS Hospitals in April.

This will allow parents and relatives, as well as nursing staff, to call in Critical Care Assessment teams if they feel a patient is not being best served by their assigned specialists. The teams already exist, but currently can only be called in by doctors.

Having had a situation where I was informed that a doctor "had decided" to put my uncle on the Liverpool Pathway after a stroke - and having to argue strongly against it as he was on dialysis, so was actully being condemned to death, not through his condition, but by the withdrawal of unrelated treatment, I welcome any change to the current situation. Having witnessed his being left in bed, without physiotherapy, because staff were "busy" and then having seen him make a full, if temporary, recovery with continued treatment, it appeared to be proof of the "squeaky wheel" syndrome, where it is necessary to make a fuss to get anything done.

No doctor is God. Hopefully, the rule will actually mean that most will think twice without dismissing concerns and that nursing staff will feel able to challenge errors. Some will not - and they will feel that their professionalism is being questioned - but with over 150 patients a week dying of treatable issues, it is them that should be the priority, not the hierarchy in medical care.
Thanked by: Sarah, MrsXfile, blythburgh
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Re: Martha's Rule

Post by blythburgh » Thu Feb 22 2024 10:56am

My DH's cousin has just recovered from his 2nd Sepsis and is only still in hospital as they try to get his Parkinson's under control. But he was lucky. A heartbreaking series of posts on a local FB group page. Twice going to A and E only to be sent home. Not sure but think it was both times GP said they suspected sepsis. Third visit admitted but far too late. Only in her 20's and now dead. Her Mother posted about it and organised a swim to raise funds for Sepsis charity on Christmas Day. Brave lady and an avoidable death when GP had raised a red flag. No idea which GP surgery but same hospital
Keep smiling because the light at the end of someone's tunnel may be you, Ron Cheneler

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