Ric wrote:
You can cover up a lot of things with statistics....
... What is the average value of each rejected claim?
You can 'Spin' averages as well as stats
For Example
Expresso £3,000 war Pension
XxXRaichxXx £3,000 Single mum benefit
Bruce £3,000 Stripogram
Mackem £3,000 Buskin
R Yendall £8,000 Director
Ric £16o,ooo Management consultant
Average income of these 6 IMutalites, pick entirely
at random is £30,000
But 5 don't earn anywhere near that
I'm not sure CS can be held at fault because there weren't a lot of claims.
We can all spin things to suit our circumsatnces
IE if CS make a claim form like you keep askin for
Then next month I could argue that 'Claims resolved and paid had dropped ever since the claim form was introduce'
Say CS start to publish how much money is paid from funds and one month a couple of members take humbrage because they never have any claims and feel this is their money(It is)
They start a campagin to ban any claims from Imutual funds
Then people who would have had their claims paid by discretion don't get it
How is that better
(Please don't anyone start said Campaihn I've got loads of claims to file next weak