Must say I was looking forward to this
2 hours of watching annoying cockneys getting blown up by doodlebugs,
But no it’s not about the war, it’s from Ken Bruen book.
Always felt Kenny punches below his wait, could write a lot better but can’t be asked.
So you hav you usual; bunches of extreme clichés,
Jason Stratham, another of the Stevie Segal school of actin, is a policeman like the V worse of Jac Regan/Dirty Harry. He’s corrupt, bent and a bully, no redeemable qualities at all.
His boss, Paddy. is gay. This has no relevance to the story (I use the word story advisedly) so why do they mention it in every other scene?
Roudin out the clichés is Zawe Asthon she the token blac and a recovin druggy, cause she is. Her part is of little importance I reckon you could take out every scene she in and it wouldn’t affect the story (See previous note)
Aiden Gillen is ‘Blitz’ who decides to become a Serial Cop Killer, no such thing ever, because as soon as a cop is murdered they move heaven and earth too catch the perpetrator and seein as how he has been arrested by all of the murder coppers AND is a member of the gym at the centre of it all AND has the money stolen from a informant who knows he did it…well you get the gist.
Not sure who the producers are tryin to appeal to here
JS fans won’t like it there’s not enough action.
Fans of Gritty London Thrillers (Not me) won’t like it it’s too touchy feely and lovers of psychological thrillers (ME) won’t like it, cause it not V thrilling.
The scenes where Blitz is tracking JS with a view to killing him reminded me of a toddler stalking a lion.
It’s dull!
A better idea would be to leave in all of Zawe scenes and ditch the rest; she’s debating how far to go to get her friend of the hook,
Far more interesting
The only thing I’d recommend about this film is that there’s a clip from inside the Brown Jelly club!
Apart from that it’s rubbish.
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